Sunday, September 27, 2009

All right, all right, all right...

Hey everyone. Call me John. I do movies. I don't make movies, or at least, not yet. I write about movies, vintage movies, new movies, movies no one else has seen, movies everyone has seen, seminal movies, crap movies, movies that defined a generation, movies that just got lost in the shuffle. I make every movie worth a write-up.

I'll warn you. I hate some movies that a lot of people love. I'm not shy about hating movies. If there is something about a movie that bothers me, no matter the movie, I'll be writing about it. It's a Wonderful Life, for example, was never about Christmas, and it glorifies a not-particularly-nice man. I'm tough, but fair.

Updates might be a little spacey, as I will rely on television and a Netflix queue to bring me new material. Figure on about three a week. Hope you enjoy.

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